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Aqua Boy by Ken Wilson Max

Following the international bestseller, Astro Girl and Eco Girl, an empowering story for young children about looking after the ocean and its wildlife .It goes straight to the heart of what it feels like to be a young child at the edge of the ocean and all the wonder and fear he feels.

 Aaron and his family live by the ocean. His sister and parents are ocean guardians. Aaron loves the sea. But he’s a bit scared of going under the water.

Then one day Aaron finds an octopus stranded on the beach. As he helps Dad return it to the water, something amazing happens… a moment of magic between the boy and the octopus. They look at each other eye to eye.
Can Aaron lose his fear and go underwater? Maybe now he can help look after the sea creatures and be an ocean guardian and… Aqua Boy!

A beautiful book from author/illustrator Ken Wilson-Max. Ken was born in Zimbabwe. He came to the UK to study design and ended up working in children's publishing. His first book was published in 1993 and since then there have been many, including The Big Yellow Taxi, Little Red Plane, and the Lenny and Max series.

Otter-Barry Books is an exciting independent children’s publisher aiming to make a difference, push boundaries and publish books that children will love. Aqua Boy is certainly a book that young children and adults too will absolutely love.

Sue Martin Children's Literacy Specialist

Part of Books Go Walkabout, Stories across the world. is part of SmithMartin LLP

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