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Following the international bestseller, Astro Girl and Eco Girl, an empowering story for young children about looking after the ocean and its wildlife .It goes straight to the heart of what it feels like to be a young child at the edge of the ocean and all the wonder and fear he feels.

 Aaron and his family live by the ocean. His sister and parents are ocean guardians. Aaron loves the sea. But he’s a bit scared of going under the water.

Then one day Aaron finds an octopus stranded on the beach. As he helps Dad return it to the water, something amazing happens… a moment of magic between the boy and the octopus. They look at each other eye to eye.
Can Aaron lose his fear and go underwater? Maybe now he can help look after the sea creatures and be an ocean guardian and… Aqua Boy!

A beautiful book from author/illustrator Ken Wilson-Max. Ken was born in Zimbabwe. He came to the UK to study design and ended up working in children's publishing. His first book was published in 1993 and since then there have been many, including The Big Yellow Taxi, Little Red Plane, and the Lenny and Max series.

Otter-Barry Books is an exciting independent children’s publisher aiming to make a difference, push boundaries and publish books that children will love. Aqua Boy is certainly a book that young children and adults too will absolutely love.

Sue Martin Children's Literacy Specialist

Part of Books Go Walkabout, Stories across the world. is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Astro Girl cover image
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Astrid loves stars and space and whilst her Mum is away, Astrid and her Dad have fun acting out some of the challenges that an astronaut might face in space.

In a near zero-gravity environment many things are different; does your food stay on the plate, where do you leave your clothes or do they just wander through the space with you?

Fortunately, Astrid feels she is very well prepared and can do all the things that her Dad asks her about,

‘What about eating food out of a tube or a packet every day?’

“I can do that,” says Astrid, munching a cereal bar.

At the end of the story, there is a great surprise for Astrid when she goes to meet her Mum as she returns home. She is dressed in a space suit and carrying a space helmet,Astrid is dead impressed when she learns her Mum has been in space?

The last page in the book gives some facts about space travel, such as astronaut comes from two Greek words, Astro meaning star and Nautes meaning sailor! It includes a number of women who have travelled in space and this is probably more than you would think.

Astro Girl is a great book for sharing and for young children to look at over and over again, the illustrations also by Ken Wilson-Max are brilliantly appealing and colourful. Published by Otter-Barry Books, Astro Girl is part of a number of books that are great fun to read and excellently presented.

Space, adventure, love of our planets and solar system are all of huge interest to young children and to adults too. This book will enable children and parents to talk with each other and build stories and pictures around all sorts of space travel…. And who knows some of it may just happen one day!

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

The Flute, cover image and web link
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This is the flute, it sounds like yellow. Easy and mellow...  The Flute is the newly released second book (publication date March 2019), in the series of Children, Music, Life from Tiny Owl Publishing.

Ken Wilson-Max and Catell Ronca bring the flute to life as  words whisper and dance across the page and illustrations reflect colour and life.  You can feel the magic and lightness of the flute on every page.

The series explores different musical instruments from around the world,  how they make you feel and move, their character and sounds, the music they bring which can make you dance, and sing. The first book, The Drum, is also written by Ken Wilson-Max and illustrated by Catell Ronca.

The Drum, cover image and web link
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Ken Wilson-Max, lives in London, originally from Zimbabwe and has illustrated more than 60 books, including The Drum which is shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Award 2019. He publishes a newspaper for children called Chicken! He is an amazing story-teller, visiting schools and spending time with children.

Catell Ronca lives in Lucerne and studied at The Royal College of Art, London and has a huge range of art projects including children's book illustrations.

Tiny Owl Publishing has a unique place in children's books, bringing diverse voices and an amazing skill in creating beautiful and readable books for children and adults too. They also have a range of resources which are useful for teaching.

The books are perfect for Early Years and can encourage conversations between child and adult, can be an excellent sharing book at bedtime. The Flute can also be a starter for further learning about music, instruments and making music, but also about feelings, inner thoughts, ourselves and our choices, much to explore through the start of a life with music with The Flute and the series Children, Music, Life from Tiny Owl Publishers.

Buy these great books here!

We thoroughly recommend for ages in Early Years from babies to beyond!

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.


Zeki Gets a Checkup - image and web link
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Zeki goes for his development check at 1 year old. This is a perfect story for children and families, helping them to understand that a visit to the nurse and doctor is fun to do and also helps Mums and Dads to know that all is well.

There are lots of things that need checking and the development milestones at the first birthday give a good guide to things like physical development, crawling and walking, understanding,  doing actions to songs and responding to words and actions. Zeki can do all these things.

Alanna Books has recently joined with Ken Wilson Max and they are called, Alanna Max. A brilliant connection and we look forward to more books, with a wide range of stories and topics in a diverse approach, available for children families, nurseries and schools.

Anna McQuin studied child development at university and works with Sure-Start Centres and community teams. She has written many books for young children.

Ruth Hearson divides her time on illustrating books and in working with community art projects. Zedi Gets a Checkup is her third book with Alanna Books.

This is a great book to have and the series of Zeki and also Lulu and Zeki are excellent choices for families, nurseries and schools.

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.