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Jasper Space Dog - image and web link
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Jasper Space Dog is the first in series of stories about a lovable hound with big ideas. Jasper travels and crosses time boundaries as he explores time and place. A great first chapter book which will be a good read for eager readers and for those who just love to find out more.

This first book (Moon Landing 50th Anniversary Edition) is about space and about traveling to the moon, with many references to just what it was like on those first journeys to the moon and the moon landing. Jasper just needs to know how a dog would survive.

"Would the astronauts have eaten hot dogs and how did they cook the sausages", he asks a Rocket Scientist who has all the answers to his questions.

A great addition to the story is the last section of the book which is about Apollo 11 and the crew who made the first journey to the moon and celebrated this with the first moon walk.

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Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin were the crew. Great timing to write about this book as Toy Story 4 hits the cinemas and my favourite character Buzz Light Year works with Woody and others to solve problems.

The author is Hilary Robinson, author, radio producer, broadcaster and feature writer. She was born in Devon and brought up in Nigeria and England.Author of over forty books for children.   The illustrator  is Lewis James, with some really appealing images, just right for an adventurous dog! It is published by Strauss Production

Recommenced in homes and schools as a great book for children around 6- 7 who are keen to read more. Look forward to the next books in the series of Jasper Dog.

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

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