A brand new series of books by an exciting new author. Imagine a world where children grow up never doubting whether they are included, seeing the world how it should be.
Then finding a way to create a world where life is fair for everyone, no stereotypes, no preconceived ideas of who may be better than someone else. This is the concept for the series expertly written by Esther Marshall.
As a new parent Esther realised she wanted her child to grow up in a fairer world, and set about writing books , not just for her son but for others too. Now Esther visits schools and places where children are gathered and has some excellent resources to work with children of all ages.
Her first book Sophie Says I can, I will, is an exciting positive take on children's hope for their world and their future, a dream and a vision for all their life experiences. Whether in our own country or abroad, families are ambitious for their children and it is only different life chances that get in the way.
The second book has a great title, Sophie Says, It’s Okay Not to Be Okay. It follows children in different situations when they feel uncomfortable about their place with friends and school. It is a really great book to use showing how even the hardest feelings can be okay and not last forever.
All the books teach about aspects of mental health , increasingly important for young people. With these books as a resource, they will be helped to work with others and challenge their own negative thoughts.
Esther Marshall is the author and Buzz Burry the illustrator.
Books are available through Sophie Says it's Official, along with further resources.
Highly recommend these books as an excellent help in exploring positive well being and mental health, for all schools and Early Years settings and counsellors working with children.
Plus this brand new video for Mental Health Week !!
Sue Martin Children's Literacy Specialist
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